What’s your new year’s resolution? Lose weight, quit smoking, stop drinking pop? In 2007 a study published in the U.K showed that after a year, only 12% of the study participants (3000 participants) actually met their goal. Here are a few suggestions to help you be a part of the 12% that have success in achieving their new year’s resolution.
- Have only ONE resolution – trying to conquer multiple goals makes it the much more difficult to complete. Channeling your energy into one resolution will help you stay focused
- Have a plan – For example, if your goal is to lose weight; have an exercise schedule, prepare a meal plan, figure out your target heart rate, calculate your daily caloric intake etc.
- Buddy up – Having a family member or friend with the same resolution can help keep you on track as you support and motivate each other.
- Be realistic – Set goals that are reasonable and achievable. For example, having a goal to lose 1 lb a week is a lot more realistic then, “I want to lose 50lbs”.
- Ask a professional – A lot of times resolutions fail because we think we have enough information to do it ourselves. Tackling some of the harder goals like weight lose, changing your diet, quitting smoking, etc…can be a lot easier to achieve if you are seeing the right health professional to guide, educate and motivate you.
About The Author: Activehealthinstitute_8uxcp6
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