Waking up tired? Need some help getting to sleep and staying asleep? Try out some of these handy apps*

*Of course, make sure you also do all those other things you know you need to do to improve sleep quality…  Technology will not magically save your sleep!


Screen Lighting

Different types of lights have different effects on our body. Blue light delays le release of the sleep hormone melatonin because it is like the sun’s rays. Alternatively, red light doesn’t seem to have the same effect – it’s more like a fire or candle. This is why many digital alarm clocks display in red numbers.flux app

Exposure to blue light from your tv, smartphone or tablet can delay melatonin production by 1 hour. Unfortunately for the smartphone junkies, this effect of delaying sleep cycles occurs even if you’ve stopped watching the blue-lit screen a couple hours before bed.

Luckily, there are many apps that you can use for your smartphone, tablet or laptop that changes the backlight to blue-base light. This effect is also softer on the eyes and reduces eye-strain if you’re watching in bed.

twillight app icon

Twilight – app


F.Lux – iPhone and laptop

Getting you to sleep

sleep cycle app smallSleep Cycle

  • Movement tracker
  • Optimal wake-up time alarm


sleep as android app iconSleep as Android

  • Optimal wake-up
  • Fall asleep & wake up sounds
  • Tracks snoring


sleep bot app iconSleep Bot

  • Night & morning alarms
  • Movement tracker
  • Optimal wake time
  • Correlate sounds & movements
  • Sleep debt log
Music & Meditation Apps to get you to sleep

Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson

Stop, Think, Breathe Great meditation app that offers meditations based on your mood

Pzizz – This one has 1 billion customizable soundtracks to help you fall asleep!